Meetings, Functions, and Return-to-Work Best Practices
Paladin Risk Solutions - Health Screening IT&C (Intelligence, Technology, & Control) provides a unique blend of current, reliable Covid intelligence, scientific information, and technology screening. This coupled with protection professionals and access control, gives you the best practices in the ability to protect your people and business.
Controlling access and screening individuals who are regular attendees, just visiting, or working remotely. Our full scale programs offer experienced protection professionals, as well as trained medical and support personnel for your peace of mind.
Paladin Risk Solutions team of consultants and medical scientists that have many years of experience in emergency preparedness, contingency planning and disease mitigation. As chosen specialists, we have successfully been able to put our skills to work during this recent COVID-19 pandemic by providing real-time, experienced risk mitigation strategies and boots on the ground support at high-profile quarantine facilities across Canada.
- Intelligence-led Covid 19 best practices
- Covid intelligence reporting to our clients for informed decision making
- Health screening ITC (Intelligence-Technology-Control)
- Professional human and technology access control
- Disease mitigation using proven, real-time activation and deployment experience
- Pandemic business continuity planning
- Emergency management planning, specific and all-hazards approach
- Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) review and development
- Health sciences & epidemic management consulting
- Supporting prevention and outbreak response initiatives in accreditation, standardization, and interpretation of epidemiological data
We deliver clear guidance during uncertain times. Speak to one of our pandemic business continuity experts today.